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Ultimate Guide to Writing Fantasy Stories for Film and Books

Unlock your imagination and write your epic adventure. In this comprehensive guide you'll learn all about building worlds, creating characters, crafting magic systems, dialogue writing, editing, marketing, and navigating film and literary industries.

9.99 USD

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What you’ll learn

in this Guide:

1. Why write Fantasy?

2. Where to even start

3. How to build your world

4. How to craft characters

5. Constructing Compelling Plots

6. Magic Systems and Supernatural Elements

7. Overcoming Challenges

8. Crafting Engaging Endings

9. How to find your audience

10. How to market to that audience!

11. Writing for Both Books and Film

12. Navigating the Publishing and Film Industry

Have a great Fantasy Idea for a Book or Film?

But don't know where to begin?

Have Writers Block?

Need step-by-step instructions on how to continue when stuck?

How do I market my Book or Script when done?

Learn how in this Guide!

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